Para efetuar a solicitação do arquivo de instalação acesse o Sistema GLISE - Gerenciador de Licenças de Software com o seu número USP e a senha única.

Após efetuar a solicitação as instruções e o link para download serão enviadas para o seu e-mail.

Atenção: O Origin é para só para SO de 64 bits.
Caso precisar instalar para a versão de 32 bits siga as instruções a seguir:


6.9 FAQ-10 How can I change 64bit Origin to 32bit Origin?

Last Update: 1/16/2020


As of Origin 2020, OriginLab only offers 64-bit versions of Origin and OriginPro. The following information is provided for users of versions 2019b and earlier.

If you have installed 64-bit Origin but need to run 32-bit Origin for certain operations, you can change your installed Origin into the 32-bit application as follows:

  1. Close Origin(Pro) if it is open.
  2. If you are using Windows 7 and Vista, If you are using Windows 8, If you are using Windows 10,
  3. Select the Modify/Change option and click Next.
  4. Click "Yes" when asked if you would like to change your serial number.
  5. The Customer Information page appears with Serial Number filled. Click Next.
  6. On the Choose 32 bit, 64 bit, or both page, choose 32 bit Origin or Both 32 bit and 64 bit Origin. If Both 32 bit and 64 bit Origin is selected, you will have two Origin program icons (32 and 64 bit, respectively) in the Start|Programs | OriginLab menu.
  7. Click Next and complete the Modify process. Click Finish when done.